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Enjoy the fun of art and craft
Mille - Feuille Fashion Select Store 每月會在南豐紗廠 3 樓分店 Mille-Feuille Art Gallery 與不同導師合作舉辦工作坊,當中包括蠟燭製作,香水調製,書法,畫畫,插花,金工,軟陶等等。喜歡工藝的你,快點來參加!

Mille - Feuille Fashion Select Store 由專業設計師兼匠人創辦,集合本地設計同好,希望提供展示創意及發展事業的機會,一同成長,同時為消費者發掘更多增添生活趣味的產品。品牌嚴選一系列來自本地及世界各地的優質設計,包括首飾、服裝、居家生活用品、紙品及美妝保養品等,定期舉辦不同類型工作坊及展覽,與大眾交流本地藝術、文化、工藝及設計。
Founded by an expert designer and craftsman well-versed in Hong Kong’s design landscape, Mille-Feuille Fashion Select Store is a platform for independent local artists to showcase their talents and develop a creative career in the city. Mille-Feuille Fashion Select Store assembles the best of burgeoning local and international creativity with a curated collection of fashion accessories, clothing, lifestyle products, paper crafts, and beauty essentials. Customers can also take part in workshops and exhibitions to learn about local art, culture, craft, and design.